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Intellectual Property Management

Mr. Marcotte has been involved in intellectual property management since applying for his first patent application in 1995. Over the years, he worked closely with his mentors to become a skilled in the patent application and patent prosecution processes. 

Robert has done extensive work with patent brokers who purchase patent portfolios seeking a return on their investment.  In this role, he has read and commented on hundreds of patents relates to display and other electronic technologies. He provides patent analysis as he evaluates a patent's merits and usage. He has assisted in litigation cases and is experienced with gathering evidence of use, preparing claim charts and preparing technical arguments for either the petitioner or the defendant.   

We provide various levels of technical support for legal matters. We have assisted in validating insurance claims, patent infringement cases and international trade disputes. Please contact us regarding your case. Our broad technological knowledge may be applicable to your needs.

Intellectual Property Development Services

We help individual inventors and small companies develop their ideas into patentable subject matter. When an inventor brings us a napkin drawing, we begin discussing the drawing, the intended ideas behind it and the inventor's vision as to how it is to be applied. As we think about the idea, we go to the drawing board and begin drawing patent figures and preparing patent claims for the intended invention and brainstorm alternatives, options and other applications. We are looking to broaden the idea into one or more patentable subjects.

Intellectual Property Management Services

In the corporate world, patents are assets, and are bought and sold as such. We provide patent analysis services focused on determining the technical merit, usage, or  potential usage, of patents within a portfolio. 

Our electronics laboratory is equipped to teardown products and document evidence of usage. We document our findings using claim constructions and claim charts to clearly show how we read the claims and how a product does, or does not, potentially infringe.

Patent Litigation Services

Our litigation support services go beyond expert reports and testimony. We provide legal staff with technical advice and sound arguments regarding their case. We provide background and prior art research, claim constructions and validity arguments based upon documentable facts.

(c) 2024 Marcotte Enterprises, Inc.
New Paltz, NY 12561