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Patent Analysis Services

Patent Analysis Services

We review patents from a technical perspective. Important things we look for include:

  • Are the patent claims well written? We look for claims that broadly cover the invention which may be applicable to applications beyond the immediate scope of the patent.
  • Is the patent in use? As we analyze your patent, we consider whether it is currently in use or has the potential for use.
  • Is there an opportunity being missed? While a patent application is being prosecuted, it is possible to alter the claims and/or continue the application with a new set of claims. As we consider your application, our goal is to help provide you with additional patentable material. We suggest additional fields where your idea may be applicable and help you draft additional claims.
  • Is your patent widely applicable to a major market? Each field of technology is a tree, your goal is to grab onto a strong branch, or even be the trunk of a new field. If your idea is a leaf at the end of a long branch, there are many other alternatives to your idea, and so, your idea may not find much use. We help you understand how your idea fits into the big picture.

Evidence of Use Research Services

As we read a patent and its claims, we research products in both the intended field of use and ancillary fields where it might be used. Important things we look for include:

  • How closely does a product compare to the patent subject matter? As we look for evidence of use, we are preferring to find products that specifically match the subject matter.
  • How closely does a product compare to the patent claims? Similarly, we are preferring to find products that specifically match the claim language.

Product Teardowns

Depending on the nature of a patent and an alleged infringing product, a teardown is often required to document specific evidence of use for use in a claim chart.

Preparing Claim Charts

A claim chart is the means of documenting evidence of use. Typically, it is a side-by-side comparison of the claim language and the product in question. Each claim is broken down into words and phrases on one side while the evidence of use is described on the other side.

(c) 2024 Marcotte Enterprises, Inc.
New Paltz, NY 12561